Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ideas for the 48-hour race film

Well, after the class which we were told that we could use for the 48-hour race film, I was really excited to do something using the webcam, but the fact of not knowing what the mistery prop is makes me a bit nervous and insecure, but excited at the same time!
I got my friends at the International House, some Americans, and told them: "Come on, I wanna create a music video using the webcam, right NOW!" I don't know, just to have fun editing, and I feel like posting here since the idea came from using the webcam for this next assignment.
This is just an experiment, it has nothing to do with the 48-hour race film

And this is another version of the same music with the same videos, but edited differently.

I am very into 3D this year so I might use some three dimensional software to create some basic animation, or I don't know, maybe using some old cell phone video recording and creating a new sound for it, applying the mistery prop (if that's possible)

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